Hello There
Welcome to my blog, I am Lex Cao, 曹历鑫
in Chinese.
The name of the blog is CodingNotes 代码笔记
This blog is used to share/summary/note some knowledge/thinking/ideas related to programming in my life or work.
About Me
Base Shenzhen China.
- Java / Kotlin (mainly used ❤️),
- SpringBoot,
- SpringCloud.
If you want to contact me.
About Blog
Static website generator
https://gohugo.io/- Theme is
https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod - Code hosting GitHub
- Here is the source code of the blog
Blog deploying
- GitHub Pages
Chinese and English Support
For better practice of English, English and Chinese are supported by the blog. Click the language character in the upper right corner of the page to switch when there is a page with corresponding language.
By the way, the blog is mainly in English, of course, there will be corresponding Chinese content.
Stay tuned.