It is hard to choose a suitable static website generator, especially when you want to build website like blog for the first time. This is my first time to build a blog and have not enough time to go through some popular generators, which I have chosen Jekyll at the beginning but it is not a best one. In the future I am going to try another generators.

Here is some brief information I found from Google and hope it should be useful for you to decide starting up on what generator.

I have selected three generators from GitHub, which are

WHAT is Static Website Generator

  1. HTML files;
  2. no server side processing or database communication;
  3. more secure than any dynamic website;
  4. super scaling when used with CDN;
  5. caching will bring more effective than dynamic pages;
  6. super fast to require.


  • built in Ruby;
  • supported by GitHub;
  • use GitHub Pages for free to host.


  1. free and open source;
  2. RubyGems supports to build themes as gems;
  3. easy and simple to use;
  4. great GitHub Pages support;
  5. comes with default and decent minimal theme out of box.


As your website content grows, the build process becomes significantly slower.


  • Liquid template engine;
  • Gem based themes;
  • Markdown and YAML format support;
  • Sass pre-processing customize;
  • CoffeeScript support by official plugin.


  • built in Go.


  1. free and open source;
  2. speed, fast speed, engineered and optimized for speed;
  3. many built-in support;
    1. dynamic API driven content;
    2. unlimited content types;
    3. shortcakes, a flexible alternative to Markdown;
    4. i18n;
    5. redirection with aliases;
    6. pagination.
  4. pre-made Go templates and patterns;
  5. dependency free (no need Go installed, bc it’s pre-compiled binary);
  6. powerful content model.


  1. themes use Go templates so need to be familiar with Go;
  2. no ship with default theme;
  3. lack for extensibility and plugins(because Go is compiled language).


  • Go template;
  • i18n;
  • supporting dynamic API;


  • built in Node.js.


  • also fast;
  • easy to deploy on GitHub Pages;
  • Chinese (maybe cons for non-Chinese);
  • Chinese community.


  • non-English.


  • EJS template engine;
  • supporting Chinese;
  • friendly with HTML + CSS + Javascript.

I am using


What I like

  1. Huge number of free themes and plugins;
  2. There are many tutorial for the beginners;
  3. Deploy on GitHub Pages without any skills.

What I dislike

  1. It is not supported by GitHub Pages to many plugins;
  2. I18n is not supported.

By the way, the build speed is not considered for me because of the small count of articles at the moment, which I might change to other generator when it becomes slightly slow on building with Jekyll in the future.

The rank of speed among three generators are Hugo > Hexo > Jekyll.

The next generator would be Hugo in the future and I would update this post.
