Goal Support multi-language, mainly in English and supplemented by Chinese; When visiting pages begin with /, e.g. /about.html, /posts/hello-world, English pages would be shown; When visiting pages began with /zh/, e.g. /zh/about.html, /zh/posts/hello-world, Chinese pages would be shown; When visiting ../hello-world posts, corresponding langugage posts would be jumped via the link; Posts which are specified language would only be shown in archive and index pages. Defect As 404.html page was not supported for separate language file, two langugage content would be shown on it at the same time. The jekyll-paginate-v2, a plugin supports pagination for multi-language, is not supported by GitHub Pages. So the blog has not been supported pagination so far. See details below. It is a little bit tricky to show date in multi-language way. Some string formatting work should be taken as it is able to have done that but is not a better way. Please see Jekyll Date Formatting. Setup Firstly, I found a i18n plugin Jekyll Multiple Languages Plugin.